Mel Sillmon is an author, influencer, educator, leader, and retired Supply Chain Executive from Ford Motor Company has recently released his fourth book, "Who am I to think I can change the world: I am Me on Mel Sillmon is an American author and influencer from Plymouth, Michigan. He did his MBA from the University of Dayton. He has taught Personnel Development, Organizational Behavior, and Strategic Management at the Detroit College of Business and the University of Michigan, respectively. "Our passion, courage, strength, and motivation are some of the key elements missing from today's society," said Mr. Sillmon.

"In Who am I to think I can change the world: I am Me explores the traits present in all game-changers throughout the history of the world. No matter how different they might have seemed on a surface level, their intentions were the same. Readers of Who am I to think I can change the world will find the encouragement they need to push themselves forward and start making the world a better place by becoming the best version of themselves.

‘You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.’

Melvin Sillmon